Sunday, March 06, 2011

Dublin Day 1

Finally arrived in Dublin after 15+ hours of traveling.

Left for the airport this morning at 9. Flew to Atlanta or 'Adlana' as the flight attendant repeatedly announced. Had just enough time to deboard the flight and run to the next gate to catch the flight to Dublin which was already boarding. I got stuck in the worst seat possible. Square in the center seat on a 2 3 2 plane. No window, no isle, stuck squeezed in-between a 300lb guy on my left and a left handed no personal boundaries girl on my right. Real difficult to try and eat a meal between fatty and lefty. 7 hours and 45 min of pure joy. Can't stand up or move anywhere except to lean forward 3 inches to avoid the uncomfortable touching until the lady in front of me freaked out for being too close to her. Sorry lady it's not my first choice either, believe me. Lefty turns her reading light on much to the displeasure of the woman I've already upset earlier. Displeased woman shoots me several glaring looks over an hour and finally asks me to turn off my light since I'm not reading and she rest. Sorry crabby not my light or my problem, suck it!

We finally touch down in Dublin at 6:35 AM on Sunday. Feels like an eternity to get here. It's still dark out, humid, wet and chilly but I can finally move.

Here's the Dublin airport.

Audi A1 in the rental lot.

My room

My view

Structural piece in the lobby that gives me a great idea for a rear brake clevis I've been designing for the triumph. You can find inspiration anywhere just keep your eyes open.

Off to find coffee so I can stay awake today and beat the jet lag. It's like 3:30 in the morning for me but it's 10:30 am so yeah that's where I'm at.

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