Thursday, February 07, 2008

Tony Ray-Jones

I was watching a series on the Ovation Network called "The Genius of Photography" as part of the episod "Paper Movies" they disucssed British photographer Tony Ray-Jones. Tony spent time in among many other famous street photographers in New York during the early and mid 1960's. As part of the story they showed some hand written notes Jones had made during his time in New York. I found the notes to be simple and probably obvious to most but I still found them to be the very things I need to work on and be thinking about. For some reason they just struck accord with me. I've shared the notes below but will be less dramatic than seeing the actual hand written notes from Jones himself. Hopefully they will inspire and motivate some aspect of your own life even if it has nothing to do with photography.

Tony Ray Jones - Photographer Notes NYC 1965?

-Be more aggressive
-Get more involved (talk to people)
-Stay with the subject matter (Be patient)
-Take simpler pictures
-See if everything in background relates to subject matter
-Vary composition
-Be more aware of composition
-Don't take boring pictures
-Get in closer
-Watch camera shake
-Don't shoot too much

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