Tuesday, January 08, 2008

Fresh start and little bit of retro steel

So it's about time I began to post. Just never seem to have the time. While I was so diligently working away I cam across this fantastic retro furniture company who had some listings on ebay. You should totally check out this stuff from Twenty Gauge. I love how solid these pieces are and that they are finished in the clear coated steel. I'd love to throw down for one of their sweet 4 leg desks and a Steno chair. Prices are a bit more than I'd love to pay but I would expect these prices for pieces this substantial.

On a very sad note they finally started demo of beloved Sugar House this week. This has been delayed for quite a while and everyone had hoped that at the very least the exteriors could be saved and keep some of the charm of the area alive, but no, greed has struck a painful victory once again. One of the last few places in the city with any sense of character and style is now gone to pave way for more bland, boring, cold corporate buisness. I really hope people will boycott the new businesses once construction is complete. Nothing would make me happier than for Mr. Mecham's greedy project to be an utter failure and I hope he loses millions in the process.

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