Monday, April 18, 2011

Cadillac - Done!

We started Mikey's Cadillac about 30 days ago and after 12-14 evenings and weekends it's done and ready for the drive to Vegas.

30 days ago.


In primer

In black sealer.

Roof got another coat of white then 6 coats of translucent green pearl.

Back on the ground and reassembled. Finished last night at 11 pm. What these photo's don't convey is just how many hours it took to get to this point. We figure in the neighborhood of 250-300 hours of labor. Tired from all the late night's and sore muscles from the hours and hours of block sanding. We are all exhausted but excited it's finished. Now it's time to get back to work on the Triumph and the Vespa.

Friday, April 15, 2011

Caddy Countdown

After a day off to let the primer cure, we are back at it with another late night.

Got the primer blocked out with 220. Then smoothed out with 320. Few final touches and it's back in black.

It's only in sealer for now and will get its final color down the road but it will be going to Vegas next weekend and that's the goal. Should be back on the ground ready to roll this weekend.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Shop updates.

Trying to bust out mikey's Cadillac before Vegas next week. We've been doing bodywork and fixing metal for the last 2 weeks.

Here's where we made it tonight.

Ready for primer!!!

Ty was also down working on a new look for his panhead.

Before, just as it was built in '69.

Now with the new tank and revamping the fender mounts.

Long nights but things are really coming along. Just need to get back on my own projects.

Friday, April 08, 2011

“TO BE HOPEFUL in bad times is not just foolishly romantic. It is based on the fact that human history is a history not only of cruelty, but also of compassion, sacrifice, courage, kindness. What we choose to emphasize in this complex history will determine our lives. If we see only the worst, it destroys our capacity to do something. If we remember those times and places—and there are so many—where people have behaved magnificently, this gives us the energy to act, and at least the possibility of sending this spinning top of a world in a different direction. And if we do act, in however small a way, we don’t have to wait for some grand utopian future. The future is an infinite succession of presents, and to live now as we think human beings should live, in defiance of all that is bad around us, is itself a marvelous victory.”
— Howard Zinn

Friday, April 01, 2011

Sadly the Mstache is no more

But I did manage to document a few days of it's glorious life.

Bling Blaugh

Super excited about my latest bike score. It was a long time coming but persistence paid off.

A shiny 21" wheel with a brass spool hub (no front brake) and the Avon Speedmaster tire just for good measure. I've never seen another one with a brass hub and it perfectly fits with my plans. The stars aligned for this and it was just meant to be.