Monday, October 18, 2010

Fire and Earth

I took a vintage Webco points cover that I recently purchased down to the State Brass Foundry and asked if they could replicate it in brass. They agreed and a few weeks later they called and said it was ready.

It was poured with Silicon Bronze which has more copper content.

I had to drill out the mounting holes.

Took a bit of 220 grit to it to clean it up and the brass color came out a little more.

Here it is mounted up on the Triumph.

Guardsman Pass

In all my years i've never been over Guardsman Pass. It's closed much of the year due to snow but still open now so Sunday we set out for an adventure.

Just around one of the first bends this moose was charging down the road straight at us but luckily turned up the hill just feet from us. My camera wasnt handy so this is best pic I could get.

The road turns to a washboard rutted dirt stretch for a mile or two once you reach the summit and drop over the back side.

It's rather scenic and worth a drive.

We dropped down into Deer Valley and through Park City. Great Sunday drive.


Chillin on the sidewalk in a Park City neighborhood on Sunday.

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Anthony Granato Art Show

Tony's art show tonight at Moxi Bistro.