Here's the latest photo project I've been working on for Kindig.
The hours of folly are measur'd by the clock; but of wisdom, no clock can measure.
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Monday, July 06, 2009
More Ford Updates
Here's a look at what got done on Saturday. I had most of the club show up and pitch in so it was a good time. I have to thank Tyler, Shane, Maggie and Wayne for coming over to lend a hand.
Here's Tyler lighting the torch.
Tyler showed me the ropes with welding with a torch. So after I watched how it was done for a while, Tyler, Maggie and I all took turns welding and switching off with the hammer and dolly. Basically one person lays down a small stitch of weld and while it's still red hot the other person hammers the weld to flatten it out and shrink the metal back down after it stretches from the heat.
Road Devils
Here's Tyler lighting the torch.
Tyler showed me the ropes with welding with a torch. So after I watched how it was done for a while, Tyler, Maggie and I all took turns welding and switching off with the hammer and dolly. Basically one person lays down a small stitch of weld and while it's still red hot the other person hammers the weld to flatten it out and shrink the metal back down after it stretches from the heat.
Road Devils
Ford Update
Basically for the last 2 months my weekends have been almost entirely devoted to working on the Ford. This project is so much more time consuming than I ever imagined. We have made huge strides the last few weeks and a lot of the major custom work has been completed. We still have more to go but I can see the light at the end of the tunnel for once.
Yesterday we started working on the headlights. This is the first time the actual headlights have ever been in the car since I've owned it and its amazing how much little things make such a big difference to the appearance. We still have some custom work to be done here but we started with frenching some '52 Mercury style rings to the fenders. They still need to be welded up all the way but you get the idea. Once they have been fully welded to the fenders we will use lead to smooth out the transition so it will look like one piece.
Yesterday we started working on the headlights. This is the first time the actual headlights have ever been in the car since I've owned it and its amazing how much little things make such a big difference to the appearance. We still have some custom work to be done here but we started with frenching some '52 Mercury style rings to the fenders. They still need to be welded up all the way but you get the idea. Once they have been fully welded to the fenders we will use lead to smooth out the transition so it will look like one piece.
Ford Update
I had the day off on Friday so I had a chance to take my new Firestone tires in to get mounted on the new gold wheels.